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Where do you write?

Romance writers often fall into one of three categories: plotters, pantsers, and plotsers. Plotters plan out the road map of their novel before they write with tools such as an outline, Scrivener, syllabi, index cards, etc. Pantsers usually fly by the seat of their pants but usually start a book with a firm grasp of the characters and the inciting incident. Plotsers are a combination of the two. They may start off with an outline and veer off course or they may start off without a clear outline but sometime in the course of the novel, they outline the rest of the scenes. Although there are labels by the method of writing authors utilize, there aren’t clear labels about where an author writes. Some writers I know get up early every morning, head for a specific area in the house, and write. No matter where the office is located in her home (bedroom, closet, actual office space), she is consistent in her morning routine. Same goes for writers who stay up late at night. These writers have a consistent routine and a dedicated space for writing. I wish I had that determination to wake up early or stay up late, but unfortunately, I do my best work after I’ve consumed some caffeine in the morning and I don’t do my best work after I’ve yawned more than three times at night. Although there’s not a label for writers like me, I’m the type of writer who tries to carve out a portion of time each day and during that time, I write.

I tried to work at home. I really did. There are a lot of writers whose children grasp the concept that once Mommy or Daddy dons her or his writing hat, she or he is not to be disturbed unless there’s blood or a broken bone. Yeah. I admire those writers. My kids haven’t grasped that concept yet.

So my wonderful hubby and I have adopted a split plan. When he’s off, I go somewhere and write. If (or like the wonderful president of my local romance writing chapter likes to remind us all, when) I’m ever published, my acknowledgement page would read like a list of local restaurants. Thanks to my local Panera Bread, Starbucks, Moe’s, Corner Bakery Café, and so on. The fast casual and coffeehouses tend to let you work longer, have access to free refills, and work without interruption, and I take advantage of their generosity (unless it’s crowded and then I move on). I also feel like I should be on a first name basis with the librarians at four different branches. I’ve worked in libraries, restaurants, and parks all over my metro area.

But now I’ve, unfortunately, had to add a new location. Doctor’s offices. It’s a little too choppy for me to write in a doctor’s waiting room, but they are great places to get some ancillary work done. I’ve written critiques in a waiting room. I also like to use the time to catch up on my craft reading, whether the latest craft book I’m reading or RWA’s monthly magazine. I’m going to try writing my weekly blog there as well. I was proud of myself for editing in MJ’s podiatrist’s waiting room this past week.

All four of my children will be going to school full time this fall. For the first time since I’ve started seriously pursuing writing as my career, all four of them will attend local schools. I won’t have to drive ten miles one way to take two of them to school. Two of them won’t only go for four hours a day. And once again, I’ll have to readjust where and how I write.

But until that happens, I’ll continue to write everywhere I have a chance to write. And even though I don’t write at the same time every day, I’m writing. I’m the one with the laptop writing in a parking lot, a restaurant booth, a park bench, a library table, and so on. So as far as where I write, I’m more the equivalent of whatever a pantser in that I pick up my laptop and go find a spot to write.

What about you? Where’s your favorite place to write? Let me know.

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