Easter Eggs

What’s that I write? Easter eggs at Christmastime? Yes, you read that correctly. I’m blogging about Easter eggs today, but not the type that you dye at Easter. These Easter eggs are the little hidden secrets in a movie, television series or a book that often refer to...

Writing Monday: Journey Into Imagination

Last week, my family (yes, all six of us-myself, wonderful hubby, 16-year-old Kath, 11-year-old MJ, and four-year-old twins Cupcake and Chunk) ventured to Florida for a vacation at Walt Disney World. While there were some moments I devoted exclusively to family fun,...

Writing Thursday: Exercising

     When I attended college, the university required a physical education class prior to graduation. I chose walking. A friend of mine who attended my college’s major rival asked me if Crawling 101 was the prerequisite. I laughed off the joke but didn’t...

Writing Monday: What Character Am I?

     Admit it. You’ve taken at least one of the “What Character Are You?” quizzes that are all the rage on Facebook. Am I right? I’ll admit that I’ve taken my fair share of those quizzes. OK, I’ll venture as far as to say I’ve...